#Education Emergency

Our story

Both Co-founders of impertimus Katama and Beatrice grew up amidsit the challenges of accessing Quality Education in Kenya.


Lucky Katama

Katama faced significant hurdles during his transition from primary to secondary school. Despite his remarkable performance, without finances to cover his tuition cost, his future remained uncertain for a prolonged period, exposing him to the struggles faced by countless households in educating their children.

Beatrice Kache

Beatrice shares a parallel story, witnessing her parents’ struggle to provide education for her and her four siblings. The recurring expenses often forced them to miss days of school as their parents sought tuition fees and other necessities.

After working in the community, the co-founders witnessed firsthand the unpreparedness of many parents when it came to addressing the financial burden of education resulting in children spending 7 to 14 days out of school waiting for school fees and those who are to transit from primary to secondary school could not do so. The reality of low-income households struggling to meet basic needs while facing the daunting costs of education became all too familiar.

In 2018, Impertimus started from the question “How can we help low-income parents finance the education cost of their children?”

Through research, pilot after pilot plus pivoting, here we are!

How can Low-income parents plan financial for education cost?

Using Chama (local saving group) for education. With simple saving plans and school fees goal for every parent, saving for education become realistic. The aim is Education Cost is not an Emergency Cost. #nielimusioemergancy.

How can low-income parents cover school fees cost as the school requires?

Children spend 7 to 14 days out of school waiting for school fees as they wait for their parents to pay tuition fees, leading to missed educational opportunities.

Our interest free school fees loan paid to school at the beginning of term covering 100% of the tuition cost with flexible repayment. Upon repayment the parent can access it again to cover the subsequent academic years of the child. This enable access, retention and school completion.

How are the funds available to parents?

Impertimus fund raise for the interest free school fees loan under an Education Revolving Fund. By partnering and funding the Education Revolving Fund as individuals,group or organization, the fund is accessible to parents throughout the education lifetime of the child in secondary school.

How can we ensure a prosperity future for the children?

Impertimus does not stop at helping parents meet the education cost. With children termly mentorship, our investment in their education realizes the best results and students graduate with basic qualities to successfully venture in a rapidly evolving society.

Impertimus is not stopping there, we are on the journey of making our work BIG, SUSTAINABLE and ACCESSIBLE to every parent in Kenya.

Join our community of Fund champions Today!

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