Abaki Shule Achievement for Term 1 2024.
erm 1 Performance Highlights: #abakishuleloans
We are thrilled to share our achievements for Term 1! We disbursed a total of Ksh 180,682, providing 14 loans to 10 student beneficiaries across 7 schools, benefiting 9 dedicated parents. This milestone reflects our unwavering commitment to bridging the gap between financial constraints and educational opportunities ensuring students spend ZERO days at home.
Our Impact:
1. Direct Disbursements: Funds are sent directly to school accounts, guaranteeing 100% of the loan reaches the intended recipient.
2. Zero-Interest Loans: Our interest-free loans make education financing more affordable, allowing parents to focus on other essential household needs.
3. Flexible Repayments: We understand the fluctuations in household incomes, and our flexible repayment options adapt to these challenges, ensuring continuous education for students.

Join Us in Making a Difference:
As we continue to expand our reach and impact, we invite you to join us in this transformative journey. Together, we can break down financial barriers and create a brighter future for every child.
Our upcoming partnership program will give you an opportunity to:
1. Fund an affordable education loan
2. Mentor students every term
You are welcome to express your interest in supporting the ABAKI SHULE LOANS program in any of the two platforms.
Send us an email via info@impertimus.org or visit our offices in Kilifi town at Mwalimu House opposite Naivas.